CAS CL-5500 Label and Receipt Printing Scale
LED display
Interchangeble Print Cartridge
Speed keys
Barcode and label formats
Plate size: 382 mmx 246 mm
The CL-5500 Label & Receipt/Ticket Printing Scale is ideal for grocery stores and butcher shops that requires either Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) and/or client Receipts. The scale can switch between Label or Receipt mode and uses a printer cartridge system that can quickly be replaced with a new label or receipt roll. For convenience, you can set up a speed key to switch from Label to Ticket mode or visa versa, after having swapped out the printer cartridge.
This scale features a LCD display and is compatible with CAS CL-Works Pro for PLU programming and custom label design.
The CL-5500 is available in both a pole version and bench version. The bench version has 48 speed keys, while the pole version has 72 speed keys, both versions have the option of using the double click function for increased ability.
The CL-5500 can hold up to 3,000 PLUs and 1,000 Ingredients and comes with pre-loaded dummy data and pre-designed label formats for the Australian market. Information such as ingredients and nutritional tables can be added to PLU data. It is also capable of printing a variety of Barcode formats. For information of custom Receipt/Ticket designs, such as adding a logo, please contact your dealer directly.
Multiple CL-5500 scales can be connected via an Ethernet network, also allowing master and slave relationships. Also features floating clerk function.
This scale uses Dual Range capacities, allowing a much more accurate reading for lighter items.
The CL-5500 also comes with Australia’s Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) function. When in labelling mode, this allows the scale to print labels with information such as “Made in Australia with 87% Australian ingredients” accompanied by the Made In Australia Logo and Bar Graph. This information is entered into the individual PLU and the scale will generate the appropriate Logo, Text and Bar Graph.
- CoOL Function - Country of Origin label icon automatically generated by PLU data base
- print Nutritional Information
- speed keys (standard: 48 x 2 double-click, pole: 72 x 2 double-click)
- 10,000 PLU 1,000 Ingredients. 500 nutrifacts
- communication network (TCP/IP/Ethernet)
- barcode & label formats (40 fixed & 20 free format)
- graphic LCD display
- Interchangable Print Cartridge
- Pole and Non-pole type
- 15kg /30kg
1-year CAS Scales Australia warranty
Also, please note that these scales are typically used in commercial situations where goods are weighed for sale. Under these circumstances they must be calibrated and certified before they are used. Please choose if you want your scales certified.
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