Child Mannequins

Child Mannequins


Child Mannequins


The mannequins help the customers to know about the latest trend the store offers without sometimes even bothering the sales representative. It is the attractive mannequin which pulls the customer into the store.

We don’t forget the kids!  We’ve got ridiculously cute child mannequins and torsos covering various age groups.  

Child mannequins


On sale!
Child Bendy Fabric Mannequin 1yr
Child Bendy Fabric Mannequin 1yr
700mm High

Chest 460mm

Waiste 460mm

Hip 50cm

Round Chrome Metal Base
Cream Colour 30% Off
On sale!
Child Bendy Fabric Mannequin 3yr
Child Bendy Fabric Mannequin 3yr
Height: 85 cm

Waist: 48
Hip: 51
Cream Colour 30% Off
On sale!
Child Bendy Fabric Mannequin 7yr
Child Bendy Fabric Mannequin 7yr
Waist: 50
Hip: 62
Cream Colour 30% Off